We are going to launch a very helpful and useful product to human being.
Current Status
We are in development process of our idea. The website and Application buliding process is on going .
there is no age limit or region religion limit in our project. Our product is useful for each and every human being.
Problem or Opportunity
our mission is go to ground level for user. We have to go at the door step to end user and that's process is under going for that's why we needed fund.
No one is our competitors.Because no one can compete with us.We are unique.
Advantages or differentiators
Our product is a unique. so there's no any competitor or product.
We are charging some service amount from user.
Loan terms
36 months
Interest rate, %
Business model
serve be people well and earn well.
Solution (product or service)
We are simply service related product company and our mission as serve people,and severed by people.