We envision KOT franchisees across the globe, and welcome you to join the KOT family.The exquisite Japanese cuisine was once only a Rich Man's food.Our vision is to make KOT ubiquitous by making high quality food affordable and give our guests a unique experience of fine dining, because it is just not about food, it is FoodEntertainment !!
Current Status
Presently it is operational in 2 outlet, and it is having very good response and the first out let is not able to take the full guest, it is very small for this concept, and the new one is good and picking up very good.
KOT is Not a new concept globaly, its a Teppanyaki style, but we have changed the food and given a new look and approach towards it and named it KOT, so we can tell its very new concept in India and opportunity is very big. At least we can open 75 restaurant in India.
Problem or Opportunity
Problem : The food what we serve is only for the few guest not for all.
Opportunity : Its unique and the flavore and concept is vrey new for indian guest. and its just not food, it an experience. The food what we serve is very unique so other than spicy lover others will love our food and more over its live and they are quite sure about the freshness of the food what they eat.
Solution (product or service)
Most of the time when we visit restaurant always in our group there will be one friend who wants small change in the food and if he gets that nothing like that, but due to the communication gap between the chef and the guest this doesnot happen and result disappointment.
And also chef do the best but they dont get appreciation result they loose there interest and become more mechanical.
In KOT this both is solved by getting both them on the same table, guest gets what he wants and chef gets the appreciation every time he does the best.
Presently there is no competitors, but might be in future they may come up.
Advantages or differentiators
The Concept is very different than many other restaurant, and also to get specialized chef is not very easy and we have a different model of working and we share our profit with chef and we have a international chef in our banner which normally other new restaurant cant afford in the beginning.