GreEnrich the globe with Fiber prdcts in various waks of lyf

India, Tamil Nadu
Market: Other
Stage of the project: Idea or something is already done

Date of last change: 16.07.2020
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"Manufacturing of Banking Cards, Seat belts, Other Automotive components, Straws, Packaging Materials, Visiting cards and other retail products using
natural fibres, precisely, Banana fibre, Sugarcane fibre, Coconut fibre & Pineapple fibre.

Current Status

We are currently at Idea stage and we are now recognized by the Govt of India as "Startup" in "Green Technology" Industry and in the "Clean Technology" sector. Company is formed and now we are seeking the seed fund of USD 500000 to make the MVP in the complete product range within 180 working day's time.


Application and usage of natural fibers to manufacture automotive components, use of Debit/Credit cards and straws, seat belts has never been done earlier and this methodology is very unique in the market.
The use of natural fibers in place of composite plastics is gaining popularity in many areas, and particularly the automotive industry. The use of natural fibers in place of polymers can provide many advantages over other filler technologies, and areas of application appear limitless. Almost all the industrial segments are currently shifting to a "gogreen" outlook, as consumers are looking for environmentally friendly products. Natural fibers are a renewable natural resource, and are biodegradable, which is an important characteristic for components that must be disposed off at the end of their useful life.

Problem or Opportunity

Plastic and non bio degradable automotive, banking and retail sector’s products.
Green composites have much less effect on the atmosphere in comparison to glass fiber composites. Natural fiber composites are ecologically acceptable and decrease the pollution-causing polymer content, easy to litter, and offer better quality as well as biodegradable products which will result in reduced carbon emission when used for aviation / automobile / retail components. Natural fibers weigh lighter and posses better qualities and on the other hand, green fibers addresses a number of problems in terms of attaining better-quality in mechanical properties, flexibility, water absorption, flammability etc.

Solution (product or service)

We propose to solve this problem by manufacturing these products using natural fibers such as Banana fiber, Sugarcane fiber, Coconut fiber, pineapple fiber etc. In addition to this, Natural fiber composites are a better alternate to the existing artificial fiber composites due to their advantages, e.g. lightweight, economically cost effective and, most importantly, their environmental aspects of biodegradability. This also reduces the humongous efforts of recycling the plastic waste.


There is not even a single manufacturer who does this technology on a large scale as far as our research goes.

Advantages or differentiators

Application and usage of natural fibers to manufacture automotive components, use of Debit/Credit cards and straws has never been done earlier and this methodology is very unique in the market.
The use of natural fibers in place of composite plastics is gaining popularity in many areas, and particularly the automotive, banking, retail sectors. The use of natural fibers in polymers can provide many advantages over other filler technologies, and areas of application appear limitless. Almost all the industrial segments are currently shifting to a "green" outlook, as consumers are looking for environmentally friendly products & vehicles. Natural fibers are a renewable natural resource, and are biodegradable, which is an important characteristic for components that must be disposed off at the end of their useful life.
Our startup generates revenue through Institutional supply of automotive components to OEMs, providing after-market supply of automotive components through distribution network to the distribution network.
Institutional supply of Debit/Credit Cards to the Banks.
Retail market supply of Straws, packing materials & Visiting Cards.
We generate revenue by providing natural fibers in various other sectors as well.


To keep it simple and 'TO THE POINT', I would place my products as below :
Debit / Credit Card : USD 1.00 per card
Seat Belt : USD 500 per Seat Belt (Only specific to premium brands) as an after market product..... As an OEM supply the price may be around USD 300 per Belt
Straws : USD 0.40 per Straw
Electronics : To manufacture the frames of laptop/desktop..... USD 50 per frame (depending on the frame)
On the whole I would like to take this company to $ 100 mn turnover in next 5 years

Business model

We have a plan of a unique model to empower women and enrich farmers in the procurement process by using a multi level procurement system by network of farmers and local women entrepreneurs. The product supply is to only OEMs or Institutional Customers.

Money will be spent on

We would require anywhere from $200000 to $500000 to validate and create MVPs in all the segments we would want to achieve to and also apply and seek IP Rights.
We would require $2500000 for the plant setup & to start operations. To scale up for global procurement & acquisition of the customers we would want to scale up the investment upto $10,000,000

Offer for investor

We can offer the equity share to the Investors

Team or Management


As the world is CRAVING for the green products and struggling to reduce the economic or physical efforts in recycling the Oceans, Land and the skies, we believe that this project can be of help in coming 5 - 6 years as a wholesome package to bring up the greener sunrise. As our punchline of SMAG Automotive, we ensure & love to prove that "Fiber Breath for Greener Earth" in as short time as possible & we don't see any risk of business module or business model since it is ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE in nature.

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

We have been recently formed and June is the incorporation month & hence we are still in trials for seed funding.

Won the competition and other awards

No, but we would love to compete on a global scale


Photo 1 - GreEnrich the globe with Fiber prdcts in various waks of lyf
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