Photo - Katch mobility

Katch mobility

seamless payment system for multiple modes of transport

India, Gujarat
Market: Transport, Financial services
Stage of the project: Operating business

Date of last change: 12.01.2021
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We are finetech startup with focus on mobility, with vision of one nation one travel card we have developed account based ticketing solutions that would allows users to travel in different mode like bus, metro, taxi with a single card. The card itself will be used as a ticket

Current Status

We have conducted the pilot project in Ahmedabad where we got 3000 card users and have more than 800 Drivers partner register with us. We did a profit of 50K $ in period of 7 Months.

We are soon expanding in other cities in State of Madhya Parades, we got a tie up with Government of Madhay Pradesh and by end of March we have planned to stat in3 cities of Madhya Pradesh with expected revenue turn over of more than 100 K per month.


TOTAL AVAILABLE MARKET (TAM) (Market Size = 17 Lakh Million Doller)
Cities/ operators with having bus system operating – 15,750
With Fleet size <= 100 NO = 8000
With Fleet Size >100 but <= 500 = 6500
With Fleet Size >500 but <= 1000 = 700
With Fleet Size >=1000 = 550

Cities / operators with taxi service
With Fleet size <= 50 NO = 30,000
With Fleet Size >50 but <= 500 = 25,000
With Fleet Size >500 = 22,000
Individual Operator = > 10 Million
Cities/ operators having metro / Light rail system = 35

No of cities available with organized Bus systems : 250 No
No of cities in India having metro system : 25 No
Cities which are operating taxi aggregator : 350 No

City Buses having no digital payment systems : 180 No
Private City Bus operators : 10,000 NO
City having no Taxi aggregator : 20,00,000 No
Simulation's integrate with existing cities

Total Population targeted = 450` 500 Million users

Problem or Opportunity

In existing scenario, there are various apps like OLA UBER, PAYTM, REDBUS, CHALO etc into market, they have brought a change in way people travel. India with a vison of One nation one card is yet to achieve these due to various administrative limitation and challanges.

One nation one card was launched in India by Hon Prime Minter of country in 2019, but that card is used for the purchase of ticket rather than as a ticket.

With KATCH we have built up a solution where user can simply TAP-IN and TAP-OUT from the system and the amount get debited from the user account based on their usage. This solution will allow city to achieve multimodal integration along with fare integration as per the vision of NUTP2006.

The solution is design to promote pay and ride solutions in Bus, Taxi , Auto, Metros

Cities adopting the solution will have following advantage
1) Multimodal fare payment system will be achieved
2) Promoting cashless travel
3) unified fare payment system
4) Help cities in planning the future need of public transport in an integrated manner
5) Help cities in monitoring IPT Services
6) Help is planning and implementing fare policies for the public transport system
7) Improve the ridership of Public transport
8) Improve the safety and bring sustainability towards the public transport

Solution (product or service)

Common Mobility card is the vision of government of India, further after COVID Ministry of Housing and Urban affairs have also encourage to promote cashless travel.
So far, the innovation has been seen only for the bus users, We have not seen any app that promotes pass or promote cashless travel for the Auto, Taxi. Further, it has always been the challenging for cities to have multimodal and combine fare system.
Unique Feature of APP:
1) Available for both online and offline users thus applicable across urban and rural areas.
2) Payment can be done in IPT Service with simple use of phone number, thus making accessible even non SMART Phone user to ride cashless
3) Allow passenger to travel seamless from one mode to other by just TAP


There are various compitator like OLA/UBER they are very good with TAXI,

PAYTM and red bus they are good with Intrer city bus booking

Ridlr is booking metro tickets for Delhi and Mumbai

However all these app are limited to one single mode, where as we are integrating multiple modes in a city.

Also they allow user to purchase the ticket from their platform, they app dose not work as a ticket

Advantages or differentiators

Common Mobility card is the vision of government of India, further after COVID Ministry of Housing and Urban affairs have also encourage to promote cashless travel.
So far, the innovation has been seen only for the bus users, We have not seen any app that promotes pass or promote cashless travel for the Auto, Taxi. Further, it has always been the challenging for cities to have multimodal and combine fare system.
Unique Feature of APP:
1) Available for both online and offline users thus applicable across urban and rural areas.
2) Cashless Payment can be done in IPT Service with simple use of phone number, thus making accessible even non SMART Phone user to ride cashless
3) Allow passenger to travel seamless from one mode to other by just TAP


Revenue Streams
Revenue from the Sale of Pass : 1 $ per card
Revenue from the trip Made : 10-15 % commission per trip
Revenue from recharge of Pass : 10 %
Revenue from Advertised on pass: 0.5 $ Per card per month

Cost Structure
Technology : 15%
Marketing : 60%
Operations : 20%
Miscellaneous : 5%

Business model

With KATCH we have multiple business models

1) Selling the Platform to City / Operator just like a Saas Platform : In these we customize the platform and card as per the client need and monthly rental charges would be charge for them

2) Integrating Taxi and Auto drivers: Monthly rental fees would be charge from for using of the machine just like PoS system

3) On Revenue sharing model: In these based on the total earning 10 % of the total revenue will be charged from the operatos

4) Earning from the passenger: Through pass and subscriptions

Money will be spent on

Cost Structure
Technology : 15%
Marketing : 60%
Operations : 20%
Miscellaneous : 5%

Offer for investor

We would like to offer equity of 15% for 0.5 million $

Team or Management


The risk of actualization from the huge player

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

We have participated in IdeasPay event and were selected in top 15 startup out of 500 Startup that register

We have been into accelerator program for FinTech Yatra a platform for FinTech startup in India

Won the competition and other awards



Photo 1 - seamless payment system for multiple modes of transport

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