Photo - SenseGiz


End-to-end enterprise IoT solutions.

India, Karnataka
Market: Logistics and warehouses, Electronics
Stage of the project: Operating business

Date of last change: 07.06.2021
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COIN, our proprietary low powered point to point mesh network of tiny low cost sensor nodes having an effective communication speed of 1 Mbps and self-healing and self-learning capabilities.
Using our COINS, Asset movement can be tracked through warehouses, hospitals, airports etc, thus speeding up processes and eliminate errors by getting real time location status of your assets.

COIN can monitor values for temperature, humidity, motion and vibration. Threshold values can be set using our Web Control Panel to get real time notifications if any value is crossed, also data can be streamed

Current Status

Till date we have sold 40000+ units of our devices worldwide and have generated a cumulative revenues of around $800,000.

Our current monthly revenue is around $20,000. We have a team of around 50+ spread across various roles.


Target customers will be IT integrator companies, manufacturing companies, hospitals, building warehouses, Cold Storage facilities, Airports, Offices and Infra Management companies.

Problem or Opportunity

1. Many large manufacturers, warehouses, hospitals, airports lose a lot of money, because the amount of time it takes for them to find and manage the unique raw materials they need (and maintain inventory levels) is too long.
2. Food and Goods losses due to improper storage and supply chain amount to roughly US$ 680 billion in industrialized countries and US$ 310 billion in developing countries.
3. In US alone in 2016, an estimated loss of $14.3 billion was reported due to property losses by illegal intrusion. (FBI)
4. By 2030, approximately 1402 million people (16.5% of total worldwide population) will be above 60 years of age. The declining proportion of working-age people will create an enormous challenge to cover the social and health care costs of the aging population.
5. 20 million field service technicians are spread across the world. Predictive maintenance using IoT solutions can help companies increase their efficiencies and save millions of dollars.

Solution (product or service)

COIN, our proprietary low powered point to point mesh network of tiny low cost sensor nodes having an effective communication speed of 1 Mbps and self-healing and self-learning capabilities.
1. Using our COINS, Asset movement can be tracked through warehouses, hospitals, airports etc, thus speeding up processes and eliminate errors by getting real time location status of your assets.
2. COIN can monitor values for temperature, humidity, motion and vibration. Threshold values can be set using our Web Control Panel to get real time notifications if any value is crossed, also data can be streamed at regular intervals of time.
3. People movement tracking & safety monitoring as well as geo-fencing is done in real time in confined environments such as offices, factories and so on.
4. Using our solution one can secure their entire perimeter/fence and avoid multiple intrusions and unauthorized entry. Also, get real time alerts if any vibration or motion is detected.


In India, we don’t have competitors in terms of what we are doing now with our COIN range of products for enterprise applications.

Our closest competitors like Monnet, Bluvision, Cloudleaf typically use older technologies like Zwave, Zigbee which lead to more expensive, bulkier and power hungry solutions. These competing technologies were not originally built to form cloud based IoT solutions.

Advantages or differentiators

Through our COIN, we have created a proprietary low powered point to point mesh network of tiny low-cost sensor nodes. The mesh network is based on top of Bluetooth 5. Mesh has an effective communication speed of 1 Mbps, suitable for high speed and high data applications with Self-learning and self-healing capabilities. Each COIN has an effective range of 150 ft per node. The product is ready for mass scale customer sales, thus taking the first movers advantage.

We provide efficient and cost-effective solutions compared to our competitors, which make us the most preferred company in this industry. We also provide the entire solution including cloud and analytics and, our Cloud supports APIs for users who wish to build their own applications on top of our back end and leave all the computations and data storage tasks to our intelligent cloud. We are in this industry for more than 4 years now and have a good data base of customers to whom we have been satisfactorily selling our earlier products. We are already doing POC’s with most of these customers.

Business model

Revenue Model:
One-time Hardware cost and Recurring monthly charges for using our dashboard.

Customer acquisition through trade exhibitions, in house sales team, targeting companies in similar sector, cross selling to existing customers, potential tie ups with IT integrators etc.

Money will be spent on

Expanding team
Accelerating sales
Expanding to different geographies.

Team or Management

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

CISCO Launchpad Cohort 3 - 2018
Maruti Suzuki Cohort 1 - 2019

Won the competition and other awards

Most promising IoT start up award by IESA
NASSCOM – Iconic Startup of the year
National Entrepreneurship Award by MoS Development and Entrepreneurship
Top Start up Award at Cisco Launchpad Cohort 3.
Best MSME Award by MoS Defense
Top Startup award by Maruti Suzuki Cohort
Winners of Samadhan COVID Challenge by MHRD
Winners of BCIC
Emerging Stars Award.

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