Photo - InfraStack-Labs Technologies Private Limited

InfraStack-Labs Technologies Private Limited

Enterprise agility on cloud

India, Karnataka
Market: Internet and IT
Stage of the project: Operating business

Date of last change: 30.11.2019
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OMegha™ is a cloud platform which empowers legacy datacenters by making them part of global scalable mutli region cloud computing ecosystem.

Current Status

OMegha™ Public Cloud is in a steady revenue stage with 2 global regions, remote datacenter implementation pilot completed and planing to start a new region in Canada.


Total addressable market (Direct)
Countries - 143
Cities - 1370
Datacenters - 5559

End customers using OMegha™ Cloud (Indirect)
- e-Commerce
- IoT Platform
- Marketplace
- Aggregator
- Mobile Apps
- Enterprise private cloud
- Education & research institution
- Telecom
- Retail

Problem or Opportunity

Untapped resources at DataCenters
~ 40% of all Datacenter resources are left untapped at single point of time

Direct access to customers
~ Datacenter by nature don’t have skillset to provide baremetal servers/systems directly to end users

Ease of management
~Unavailability of a single provisioning portal, cloud scalability, cloud expertise

Cloud ready Datacenters
~Cloud being the key trend and go-to solutions for all server provisioning it’s a need for Datacenter for further expansion.

Solution (product or service)

OMegha™ is a cloud platform which can leverage the idle resources in legacy datacenters across the globe by converting them to operating public cloud regions and thereby helping them increase the revenue by atleast 10x.


Like – to – like comparison with nearest competitor Digital Ocean

Competitive advantage - InfraStack-Labs with a small team of 5 people could build a cloud platform in 1 year with features equivalent to what DigitalOcean has built with 500+ global team in 7 years and $300M funding

* InfraStack-Labs has the skillset to launch a new global OMegha cloud region in less than 20 days

Advantages or differentiators

Customers continuing their successful journey with us in various industry

$1.2B company migrates its complete ELK log analysis platform from AWS to OMegha cloud with a whopping 175% cost savings


"Units sold annually" "Average price per unit". "Annual revenue per product"
500 INR 94,800 INR 4,74,00,000
12 INR 21711516 INR 26,05,38,192
5 INR 30,00,000 INR 1,50,00,000
8 INR 42,00,000 INR 3,36,00,000

Business model

Remote Datacenter (RDC) - Partner
- Pre allocates servers for OMegha™ Public Cloud
- Dedicated dashboard for DC’s
- VM request & provisioning through OMegha™ Public Cloud
- Monthly charges defined by OMegha™ Public Cloud based on market price
- User charges based on Pay-As-You-Go model on OMegha™ Public Cloud Platform
- Revenue sharing between RDC & OMegha™
- Largest operational public cloud in the world with most number of operation regions will be OMegha™ Public Cloud

Money will be spent on

OPEX - (Salary, Sales, Marketing, Office space etc.) 25%
Research & Development (UI/UX, AI, ML, IoT) 75%

Offer for investor

Upto 10%

Team or Management


1) Strengths (Internal)

- Shared computer resources
Instead of wasting precious and costly computing power, an inherent drawback of the current client server model, cloud computing allows for a more efficient and affordable use of computing resources.

- Cost savings (Decresing Cost)
The end user is no longer burdened with the expense of maintaining and updating servers, data centres and software. Instead, the cloud computing provider carries these IT costs, while organisations simply pay a low monthly subscription fee.

- No licensing
The all-in one package based upon a subscription fee does away with complicated and expensive software licences that need managing and updating regularly.

- Reduced reliance on external consultants
The provider now handles the updates and installation of software patches - dangerous security loop holes. Conflicts in software incompatibility is no longer your problem so there's no need for external IT consultants to troubleshoot your business systems.

- Mobility (Remote Access & Unlimited storage)
Data stored in the cloud can be accessed fr om virtually anywhere with an internet connection.

- Fast Technology Adoption (Docker, Containers, Serverless Platform)
Docker provides many of the advantages of hypervisor-based virtualization but without the performance overhead, and with additional rapid provisioning at the application level.

2) Weaknesses (Internal)

- Legacy systems (Integration with existing systems)
Small and medium-sized organisations are more likely to embrace the benefits of the cloud than larger companies which may have complicated legacy systems.

- User attitude and control
Organisations will still need to have 'control' over data and information to meet business, legal and regulatory requirements. For many, the idea of giving up control of the hardware that carries business critical data and outsourcing confidential customer data to a third party is an unsettling concept.

- Global economy
All segments of the cloud computing market - Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure-as-a- service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) - will be influenced by the overall state of the economy and global demand for IT services.

3) Opportunities (External)

- Agility and flexibility
Smaller firms are nimble and thus more easily able to move to the cloud and take advantage of cloud computing's many cost-saving benefits.

- Growth in cloud services
Cloud services will continue to grow with increasing competition from both established players and new entrants. Some observers estimate that the cloud market will top $270 billion in 2020 with SaaS offering more growth opportunities than any other segment

- Consolidation in legal and regulatory environment
We will see the publication of more business guidance from law makers and regulators over the next few years. Indian government's digital push and exponential growth of startup ecosystem is beneficial.

4) Threats (External)

- In house IT Personnel
Many IT professionals will need to re-invent themselves as organisations do away with expensive IT Departments.

- Data Protection
With cloud computing, you don't know wh ere in the world your data is held even though you are still liable for it.

- eDiscovery
Should a court or tribunal require your organisation to produce data or information (e.g. to defend allegations of breach of contract or for an employment disciplinary), can it retrieve them easily and guarantee that they meet evidential standards?

- Security
How secure is your data? What track record does you cloud supplier have in the technology markets. No type of data storage system is risk free and for that reason, absolute security is impossible. Consider the following traditional security risks in the context of cloud computing:
- Physical equipment
- Physical environment
- Physical by-products
- Identity authentication
- Application privileges
- Input validation
- Appropriate behaviour patterns
- Reporting logs
- Permanent network connections
- Intermittent network connections
- Network maintenance
- Remote censors and control systems
- Back-up procedures
Human Operator
- Human maintenance of security procedures - Intentional actions threatening security Software Supply
- Internal policies for software development

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment


Won the competition and other awards


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Current Status
Problem or Opportunity
Solution (product or service)
Advantages or differentiators
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Business model
Money will be spent on
Offer for investor
Team or Management
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Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment
Won the competition and other awards
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