SEEK is a business intelligence platform that evaluates, implements and measures organization-wide change. With a blend of Big data, Machine Learning, Sentiment Analysis and Behavioural Sciences, the platform has established itself as a disruptive tool to drive individual change in behaviour to align with the Organisation objectives.
Current Status
Worked with 17 Clients 10000+ Users, 6 Languages, Global presence Profitable since FY19-20 Subscription-based revenue model
Problem or Opportunity
Problem: 70% Change Initiatives Fail 66% Change success factor is related to talent Diverse and Dispersed workforce Different Skill & Engagement level No one-size-fits-all solution
Opportunity: A regulated industry where the cost of human error is high (Pharma Industry) Human dependent industry where feet on ground makes all the difference
Solution (product or service)
SEEK is a business intelligence platform that evaluates, implements and measures organization-wide change. With a blend of Big data, Machine Learning, Sentiment Analysis and Behavioural Sciences, the platform has established itself as a disruptive tool to drive individual change in behaviour to align with the Organisation objectives. It's a well-known fact that organizations don't change - people change first. Yet most of the transformation/change focus on systems or process. With SEEK the idea is to align people to process & system using behavioural science concepts and thereby resulting in enhanced performance and successful change implementation.
A blend of the latest technology and 60 years of behavioural science research The solution that validates lasting behavioural changes along with skill-building (Knowledge to Competency) Curated personalized bite-size content Daily exercises Adaptive to learners needs and styles Continuous feedback Dynamic Survey Adaptive assessment End-to-End ownership (70% participation) Analytics Competency Gap Matrix Engagement Heat Map Mood Map Talent Retention Map SME Identification Sentiment Analysis